Rookie Runners

10 January 2025

We recently caught-up with one of our Rookie Runner graduates to chat to them about how they found the group and what running means to them now.

Why did you sign-up to Rookie Runners?

I’ve always wanted to be able to run, because it’s free, you don’t need any special equipment, and you can do it anywhere but when I’ve tried to do it in the past, I hated it! I found it difficult then would put myself down for not being able to do something that seems so easy. I thought this would a good way to learn to “do it properly.”

How did you find the Rookie Runners programme?

I didn’t expect to enjoy it so much, it was the highlight of my week! The run leaders, Chris and Gloria, were amazing, they were patient and encouraging but at the same time pushed us to get the most out of our ability. They gave us so many tips on breathing, warming up, cooling down, running form, pace etc. which was invaluable. The volunteers were also great, it was really reassuring that if someone needed to slow down a bit or take some time out that they were available to support them. I found the “homework runs” helpful as well for maintaining my progress and keeping me on track, the programme is really well thought out. It was just a really supportive space for real life beginners to learn at a gradual pace.

What barriers stopped you running before Rookie Runners?

I found the mental challenge of running really difficult on my own. It’s so much easier to not go or give up a few minutes in when nobody is holding you accountable. I also gained a lot of weight the past few years so have felt really unfit and get out of breath easily so didn’t think it was “for me.”

How do you feel after a run?

I didn’t expect to feel so much benefit – I feel like I’ve achieved something, I feel like it’s helped me to process more difficult emotions I’ve been feeling, I feel like I’ve gained some mental clarity, I feel fitter. If I have a long or difficult day, I can feel my body is itching to go out and run, it really feels like a tool to help manage my mental wellbeing.

Are you still running after completing Rookie Runners?

Yes – I had to take a few weeks off in December due to illness and I thought I would’ve lost my progress and be back to square one, but my first run back I ran over 5k, which I think is a testament to how Rookie Runners has really developed my ability. Since then, I’ve been running again a bit more regularly and loving it.

TS celebrating the end of another run with one of her cat’s, Bug.

Our next Rookie Runners group will start on the 23rd of January at Derby Arena, you can book your place here!