Changes to Derbyshire Carer’s Breaks Awards

14 August 2015


If you’re receiving a Carer’s Break Award or have had one in the past you’ll need to know about changes which could affect you receiving a payment in the future.

Carer’s Breaks Awards are one-off payments of up to £250 funded by Derbyshire County Council and the Derbyshire CCGs, which can be used by carers to help them in their caring role.

People have used their Carer’s Break payments in a variety of ways, from taking up a hobby or activity to buying in practical help such as gardening or cleaning.

The introduction of the Care Act 2014 has led to many changes for carers, including changing the eligibility criteria for carer’s services.

The criteria is set by the Government and can determine whether you get funded support from the council to help you as a carer or not.

If you have received a Carer’s Break Award you will shortly be receiving a letter from the county council explaining the eligibility criteria changes and how this may affect you receiving a payment in the future.

Although everyone has a right to request a Carer’s Break Award, it will not be granted automatically and will be subject to an assessment or a review.

An award will only be available when your needs cannot be met in other ways, although all carers will receive general advice and information about caring issues.

Along with a letter from the county council, you will receive a factsheet explaining the criteria and reasons why the change is being brought in.

For more information you can visit the county council’s website at

If you have further questions, or have not received your letter by week ending 21st August 2015 you can contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.