Siobhan’s Skydive Challenge
7 September 2015

“Hi I’m Siobhan Dalton, I am 16 years old and am giving myself the challenge of raising money for Derbyshire Mind by doing a Skydive from 12,000 feet!!
Derbyshire Mind is a local mental health charity which plays the important part of supporting people who are living with or recovering from mental ill health in Derbyshire.
I chose this charity as I feel that many people don’t think about mental health as much as other charitable causes, by doing this event I hope to increase awareness.
Please support me in my aim to raise as much money as I can for this Charity!
The Skydive will take place on the 26th of October at Langar Airfield in Nottinghamshire and you can follow news on the challenge via the Derbyshire Mind facebook page and twitter. Thank you!!”