High Peak Crisis Support Drop-In Service
A friendly and supportive non-clinical drop-in service for adults experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress. Open every weekend.

Our welcoming non-clinical team is here to offer you mental health support and help over the weekend in your time of need in our relaxed and comfortable environment in the heart of Buxton. We can offer you a listening ear in a safe calm space, support with managing your thoughts & feelings, coping and wellbeing strategies, and signposting to other support services.
Open Friday & Saturday evenings, and Sunday afternoons every week. Located at Zink in the Market Street Car Park in Buxton, High Peak.
How to Find Us:
Zink (aka High Peak Food Bank),
top of Clough Street (within Market Street Car Park),
Buxton, SK17 6LJ
(Click Here for Google Map)
Opening Hours:
Fridays and Saturdays: 6pm to 11pm
Sundays: 2.30pm to 5.30pm
– No need to contact us, just drop in whenever you need us.
When might you need to visit your local Crisis Support Drop-in service?
The services are designed to offer support and a safe space to anyone over 18 experiencing (or nearing) a mental health crisis:
For example, you might:
- be feeling emotionally distressed
- be experiencing or nearing crisis point with your mental health
- feeling low and potentially experiencing suicidal thoughts
- be feeling anxious, worried or panicky
- have experienced a life event that has impacted your usual ability to cope
- be having a ‘dip’ in your mental health, that you are usually able to manage
- want a calm space to go to to keep yourself safe and distract from thoughts of self harm
We also recognise that you might also want to come and visit the service and staff so that you know who and where we are in case you experience a crisis in the near future.
For more information visit the main Crisis Support Drop In page
NEED URGENT HELP NOW? VISIT: derbyshiremind.org.uk/get-help-now
The High Peak Crisis Support Drop In service in Buxton is delivered in proud partnership with Zink:
Derbyshire Mind is proud to work in partnership with local community organisations and Joined Up Care Derbyshire to deliver these important community services.
The High Peak Crisis Support Service is delivered in partnership with Zink:
“Zink empowers people and families to build a better future no matter what they’ve been through. When a crisis happens, we can provide emergency food and supplies, advice and support to sort out the cause and a place to plan. Our work coaches offer help into work, education or training and our community provides a range of exciting activities and interests that enable to people to grow, learn and mix.
We are a community organisation that provides services to people and families. What we do depends on each individual but could include emergency food parcels, help into jobs, advice, activities to enable people to mix with others, learn or develop skills etc.”
Find out more about Zink here: www.zink.org.uk