Supported Self Help: free mental health support
A short-term guided self help programme that empowers you to discover tools that support and improve your mental health.

Mental health matters. We believe that anyone who is experiencing mental health problems should be able to get the help and support they need, when they need it.
Derbyshire Mind delivers ‘Supported Self Help’: a programme that empowers you to support and improve your mental health. It has been created to provide an early intervention service to anyone who is starting to experience symptoms of worsening mental health, such as stress, low mood, bereavement, worry, low self-esteem.
Through the use of our specially designed materials, CBT tools, and weekly one-to-one check-in sessions with our trained Mental Health Practitioners, you will be supported every step of the way in creating yourself a personalised toolkit to help you improve your mental health and overall wellbeing.
We hope that by providing you with help and support when your symptoms are only just beginning, we can intervene before your symptoms worsen and help prevent you from needing more intensive clinical support.
How Does It Work?
After a simple assessment to see if the service would be appropriate for you, our friendly and supportive Mental Health Practitioners will empower you to try new tools and techniques designed to support and improve your mental health symptoms.
This service can be delivered over the phone or via video call so that it fits in with your schedule and is easy to access. However, there is also the possibility for people local to Derby City to have their session in person, please talk to your practitioner who will see if this can be arranged.
Who Is It For?
Supported Self Help can help you with any of the following common mental health problems:
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Coping with grief and loss
- Loneliness and feeling lonely
- Low self esteem
- Low mood and depression
- Managing anger
- Managing stress
- Understanding menopause
You don’t need to have a diagnosed mental health problem to access this service.
Get in touch and we’ll help you understand if supported self-help is right for you.
Supported Self Help has been designed to support:
- You’ll need to live in Derbyshire and be over 18.
- It doesn’t matter if you have an existing treatment plan for your mental health. In your first consultation, our local Mind practitioner will talk about whether the programme is right for you. If you have different needs, your practitioner will put you in touch with other services that might be able to help.
- We don’t care how ‘serious’ your problem is. Mental health services often tell us our problems aren’t serious enough for them to help. Supported self-help is a service for anyone who feels their emotions are getting on top of them.
To Refer Yourself:
To refer into our Supported Self Help service, please complete the referral form using the below link.
If you need any help completing this form, please contact one of our friendly practitioners via email:
Please Note: This is a guided self-help service, not a crisis mental health service. It also does not replace support provided by your GP or CPN, or A&E.
A mental health crisis can be a medical emergency – Please seek help from the appropriate place if you are feeling intense emotions and you will be supported through your difficult feelings.
Here are some places that you can receive support:
- If you feel like your life is at risk, or if you have seriously harmed yourself, please call 999 immediately as this is an emergency. If you need medical help but can keep yourself safe for a while, call ‘NHS 111’ by dialing 111
- For Mental Health Crisis Support please call the Derbyshire NHS Mental Health Crisis number: 0800 028 0077
- For information about Derbyshire Mind’s out of hours Mental Health Crisis Support Drop-In Services, Click Here
- For contact information for lots of other support organisations Click Here
Want More Information?
If you are a GP, social prescriber, social worker, or another professional or community organisation interested in learning more about our Supported Self Help service in Derby City and Derbyshire, you are welcome to get in contact with our team by emailing:
We can help with a number of things, such as:
- Visiting your team meeting to talk to you and your colleagues more about the service, who it aimed at, and our outcomes report;
- Sending you our Supported Self-Help flyers to give out to clients;
- Adding you to our Supported Self-Help mailing list;
- and lots more.
Download our PDF flyer here:
“ I feel so seen and heard and understood. The Mind Practitioner passed me the right tools at the right time, even when I wasn’t sure which ones to look at myself, and the Mind Practitioner has helped me use them in a way that both works for me and acknowledges my efforts. ”
- Supported Self Help client
“ I am back at work and feeling more like myself, thanks to the Mind Practitioner for helping me write things down and not be worried about asking for help. ”
- Supported Self Help client